Why You Should Go To A M4MFA Happening on July 24th

Ben Heinrich
2 min readJul 19, 2021

A group of activists is planning on organizing a big march on July 24th, 2021. I really hope it goes well and I hope they get thousands of people. I don’t they will get very many people but I hope they still go out there fighting for what they believe.

I believe the USA needs a single-payer system and I am glad people are starting on organizing and getting people on the streets because it is the only way the establishment can be defeated.

Taking over the Democratic Party is not an option the failure of the Justice Democrats made that very clear and so is forming a new political party. There are strict ballot access laws and the first past the post system makes it impossible for third parties to rise and win seats in the House or Senate.

I am not delusional however the protests will not deliver the fall of the establishment or Medicare for All but it is far more productive than wasting time on a third party or trying to take over the Democratic Party or Republican Party for that matter.

There will be no change until the people use their numbers to force real change and march on the streets. It has happened several times before with the French Revolution, February Revolution, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The elites may have thousands but we have millions and we can rid of the oligarchy just like the French get the Royal Family to move to Paris, how the Russians get rid of the Tsar and how the East Germans overthrew the East German Government.

But the march coming on July 24th is the seed of what will come in the future. I just don’t think the march will attract more than a few hundred per march.

Unfortionetly I live in Iowa and don’t live near a march so I cannot come to the march. However, I will recommend you do if you got the time and live close or at a town with a march I would recommend you go to one.

If you want to know more and attend a march go to there website.

Anyways that is All I have so make sure to clap and leave a comment and don’t forget to clap and leave a comment I will follow anyone who does. Also, make sure to follow me on Twitter and I will follow anyone who does.


