Why Covid most likely leaked from Wuhan Lab of Virology

Ben Heinrich
4 min readJul 14, 2021
Anthony Fauci

Lately, there is a debate on whatever Covid 19 came from the Wuhan Lab of Virology. I think that the virus came from the lab and here is why.

First of all the official narrative is that the virus came from bats and originated in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. First of all the market doesn’t sell bats. They sell raccoons, porcupines, hedgehogs, squirrels, weasels, ferrets, and rats but no bats.

So the Covid 19 pandemic most likely originated somewhere else at the Wuhan Lab of Virology. There has been a leaked video showing Chinese scientists studying

Several scientists have been bitten by bats so it is pretty much certain that a Chinese scientist was bitten and gotten what is now called Covid-19 becoming patient zero. The scientist then went to Wuhan Lab of Virology and spread the virus to multiple people at the market in late 2019 starting the pandemic that will change the course of human history.

The Chinese were also studying bats at the Wuhan Laboratory and one of its scientists was known as the Bat Lady.

So it was very clear they were studying bats at the lab. The other place where Covid could have originated was the Yunnan province in Southwestern China which is hundreds of miles away from Wuhan. So the virus couldn’t have originated there otherwise the first cases would have started there.

Also, the gain of function method was used to study the virus if you don’t know what the gain of function is. Gain-of-function research is medical research that enhances a virus's transmissibility and pathogenesis. In order to make it easier to study viruses.

For obvious reasons the method is very controversial and is banned in several countries because viruses can leak and can cause epidemics and even pandemics which is what happened with Covid 19.

Fauci has supported gain-of-function and it is very inconvenient for him if it is public knowledge that the Wuhan Lab Leak theory was correct and that gain-of-function was used to study viruses in bats.

Fauci had written support of gain of function in a Washington Post op-ed back on December 30th, 2011, and in 2018.

So Fauci did not want his reputation to be destroyed has signed a letter attacking the Wuhan Lab Leak theory. That would also mean if Fauci was under oath when testifying in front of Rand Paul he would be in jail for purgery. Fauci said he never supported gain of function research though he did in 2011 and 2018.

Also, the National Institute of Health indirectly funded the Wuhan Laboratory. In 2014 the NIH awarded a grant of 3.7 million dollars to the EcoHealth Alliance over six years. Eco Health gave 600,000 dollars to Wuhan Lab. So Fauci didn’t directly give money to Wuhan Lab but he gave money to an organization who then gave the money to Wuhan.

However, I would like to point out that this was an accident. China had nothing to gain from releasing the virus on purpose and it has been very damaging to the Chinese government.

However, they have been covering it up because it would be damaging for the Chinese government's reputation if it was public that a virus leaked from their lab.

Cable News also have been attacking the lab leak theory. The reason why they are attacking the lab leak theory is that Trump was the person originally supporting the lab leak theory. So now they must oppose the lab leak theory despite the evidence supporting it because that would make Trump look good.

Seriously Trump Derangement Syndrome is a huge issue right now people are just partisan hacks right now.

Also, Fauci is no hero he just wants to protect his reputation and is willing to lie to protect it. Even if it harms other people. He once lied about masks not working in order to save them for frontline workers. He could have just said that masks work but don’t buy them to protect frontline workers.

So don’t trust Fauci at all, not a good idea.

Also, that does not mean I support more war with China or anything like that. Nor am I suggesting that the virus was leaked on purpose. It was clearly an accident. I am just pointing out what I think happened with Covid 19 and the virus's origins. Because if there was no pandemic then 4 million people would still be alive and Joe Biden would never have been President and lost in 2020.

Anyways that is all I have and please follow me on Medium and Twitter and don’t forget to clap and leave a comment.

