Now is the Time To Fight For Democracy From Unscrupulous Politicians.

Ben Heinrich
5 min readJan 7, 2022


If you haven't been living under a rock then you would know that today is the one-year anniversary of the storming of the Capital. I was doing online school at the time of the storming I was working on homework when I learned that the Capital was being breached.

I watched on my computer as a bunch of Trump's zealots stormed the Capital Building. As a result of this one rioter died and four in the aftermath of the insurrection.

It is really sad to see what has happened in the Capital and when I first watched it my first thought is how did it come to this. How was the Capital Building stormed the heart of the United States legislative branch? I think January 6th exposed the true weaknesses of the United States. Most people don’t release this but constitutions are paper tigers and that includes the US Constitution.

The US constitution is structured on a narrative and keeps it in place. If the vast majority of people don’t respect the Constitution then it wouldn’t be in place. If the majority of Congress, the President, and the armed forces decide to end the Constitution then it will end. If the corporate oligarchy that rules the United States decided to get rid of the Constitution and rule openly as oligarchs then the Constitution would end. Then they would be overthrown by the people because loves the constitution so much.

That is why they spend so much effort on buying up all the media outlets and all the major newspapers such as MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CBS, and Washington Post, New York Times they control all the mainstream press in the country

January 6th is so scary because Trump could have seized power for himself if he had the military on his side or more people stormed the capital. History has shown if enough people revolt or use their numbers against the government they can overthrow them with sheer numbles alone. That is what happened in the French Revolution, 1989 Revolutions, and February Revolution.

If more people showed up and stormed the Capital on January 6th or Trump was able to gain the military then he would have succeeded in overturning the election. The reason why Trump was unable to gain control of the army is he didn’t offer them anything in return. If Trump simply offered promotions to key generals then of course they would support him. Though I think another reason is that he is a massive cuck and simply listens to the last person in the room. I don’t think the military would want someone in charge like that. They won’t support a stupid buffoon as an autocrat so Trump was never going to win his support.

Trump's allegations of fraud are bullshit because he has provided no evidence of fraud. No videos or photographs of ballot stuffing or destruction of ballots, no eyewitness reports, and no documents. Also even if all his lawsuits were somehow approved by the courts that still won’t change the outcome of the election. Even Trump's own conservative judges are not supporting him. Krystal Ball and Saagar does a good job at this.

Also, the margin in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia are too large for him to overturn. If it all came down to one state with a slim margin like Flordia in 2000 then he could overturn the election but there are too many states for Trump to overturn.

But a lot of his cultists believed the Big Lie so they stormed the capital. They were also so close to capturing members of Congress they were often just feet away from Representatives and Senators. If they have gotten their hands on AOC, Warren, or any Democrat that can easily be recognized then he/she could have been lynched, torn to pieces or god knows what else.

Trump should have been prohibited from running for reelection after this by the 14th amendment which authorized Congress to prohibit people from running for office if they have taken part or incited an insurrection. They didn’t do that and instead tried to impeach him even though it had no point since he was already leaving office and became unconstitutional after the President left office on January 20th.

Trump was clearly playing with fire and he was responsible for the deaths after January 6th and he needs to be criminally responsible for inciting an insurrection as well for other crimes and prohibited from ever running for office again.

Also, anyone who says people stormed the capital because people were left behind and neglected and abused by an oligarchic system. No these people weren't storming the capital for democracy, peace, and justice. These people were convinced by an orange narcissistic fraud to storm the capital on a big lie that Trump actually won the election.

January 6th shows that people need to fight for democracy all the time and protect the constitution because Democracy and the Consitution is a paper tiger. If Democracy or the Constitution is threatened or if unscrupulous elites and politicians undermine democracy or the constitution then it is up to the people to protect it. If the Constitution is being ignored or is abolished or if it proves to be weak ineffective. Then it's the people's duty to replace it with a better one or amend it to fix its weaknesses.

Democracy has not only been undermined on January 6th. It has been violated with the Patriot Act. It has been violated with mass surveillance by the CIA, and NSA and this nation have been a de facto oligarchy for decades now.

The time is now for the American people to fight to restore and protect US democracy, fix the weaknesses of the Constitution and the weaknesses of our institutions, and stand up against unscrupulous politicians like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Donald Trump, and Paul Gosar and not just the Sedition Caucus the American People also need to stand up against Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell. People should be fighting for Democracy and the Constitution not to Keep an Orange Buffoon in power.

That is all I have Make Sure to Follow Me On Twitter and Medium.

