My Thoughts on the Cuban Protests.

Ben Heinrich
5 min readJul 17, 2021

On the news, there have been protests about Cuba and I wanted to provide some thoughts on the Cuba protests.

So there have been protests in Cuba over food shortages and COVID supply shortages due to the US Cuba embargo.

There is a lot of misinformation over the protests in Cuba and I am here to explain them. The mainstream media has shown pictures that they claim are in Cuba but turned out to be in Miami. CNN published an article with a picture they claimed was from Cuba but in reality, it was Miami because of the street signs. CNN changed it so you won’t find it but I have a link to the article below.

One picture on a Guardian news article showed a picture claiming to be anti-government but it was pro-government. I can tell because of the signs that said July 26th a pro-revolution sign. CNN had to change the image b

There are also lots of bots online that are supporting SOS Cuba. One time there was a bunch of tweets saying the exact same thing posted by multiple accounts created in late spring of 2021 or just a few months ago. With a lot of the Twitter accounts created during the protests.

So there is an intensive misinformation campaign with Cuba, but who is behind this well the, the answer is the Cuba lobby.

The Cuba lobby is a powerful lobby that is very influential and powerful and has multiple politicians in their pockets. The Cuban lobby consists of Cuban exiles who are wealthy and used their money to found lobbying groups like the Center for a Free Cuba, Cuban Liberty Council, etc.

They are typically primarily located in Florida and the politician who takes the most money from them is Ramen Noodle Head and Former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

They also use mafia-style strategy by falsely accusing any critics or opponents of being disloyal or traitorous and having people fired for going against them. So they are very powerful and very dangerous.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Ramen Noodles Because Why Not.

Another reason why the Cuba lobby is so powerful is that they are based in the state of Florida which is a swing state with a lot of electors so the Democrats and the Republicans don’t want to alienate the Cuban Americans so they have to have a very hardline anti-Cuba policy in order to maintain voters in Florida.

Also, the mainstream media has been lying about this and has been ignoring key facts and other protests going on around the world. They have ignored protests going on in Haiti, and Columbia and a civil war in Ethiopia that has been going on for a while now. I guess since they are US allies or are not relevant to the US government's interests then they don’t count.

The US govermnent has been trying to overthrow the Cuban government for years and the mainstream media is covering the protests in Cuba because it is convenient for them while they are ignoring the protests in Haiti and Columbia because those countries are allies to the United States and therefore don’t count. The US mainstream media ignored the Ethiopian Civil War because the mainstream media have no way to cover the conflict that will benefit or protect the US empire so they decided to prioritize other things.

I think what is best for the Cuban people is that if the embargo is lifted. That will mean food and supplies will be allowed to enter Cuba so they can finally feed its people and maybe even prosper. I think if Cuba never had to deal with the embargo I think it would be like Vietnam. Vietnam is a prosperous authoritarian and communist country and I think without the embargo Cuba would be like Vietnam.

60% of Cuban Americans in South Florida support keeping the embargo which is not a surprise. If anyone who is Cuban American is reading this I would like to say this. Cuban Americans should move on and find something else to worry about and let the people in Cuba determine their own fate.

Also if you care about the Cuban people then lift the embargo the sanctions have done nothing but harm the Cuban people. As long as the embargo is in place the Cuban people will never rise up because the Cuban Communist Party will blame their problems on the Americans and not the Cuban government.

So that way if communism does fail in Cuba the people will rise up and since the Cuban Communists can’t blame the US anymore they can finally be overthrown and Cuba can finally be democratic.

Unfortionetly the Cuba lobby has a lot of power and is very unlikely to happen.

This is all I have for today and make sure to clap and leave a comment. Also, follow me on Twitter and medium.

