Human Immortality Will Never Happen It's a Billionaire Twisted Fantasy.

Ben Heinrich
4 min readFeb 22, 2022


Not long ago my brother brought up a topic on Jeff Bezos making a serum designed to allow him to live to 200 to 300 years maybe even forever. American oligarchs have invested millions of dollars into Alto Labs.

The company was founded by Russian Oligarch Yuri Milner at a gathering at Yuri Milner's mansion in Palo Alto California forming a new company called Alto Labs with the goal of immortality by rejuvenating cells to effectively reverse aging.

Bezos is not the only billionaire to invest in immortality founders of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin have founded a company called Calico Labs who also want immortality. Peter Thiel founder of Paypal has also got on board with investing in life extension research.

No human will ever be immortal or live forever nor should any human ever should. Human cells which make up the human body need human DNA in order to replicate itself. Once the cells die they need to regenerate for the body to function. Each chromosome has a protective region called telomeres and the chromosome shortens every time a cell replicates. Which slows the body's ability to renew itself and become weaker making the body more vulnerable to disease which is why we age.

So if a serum or pill is going provide us with slowed aging they have to provide chromosomes of the person's DNA in order to replicate properly so essentially a Sorcerors Stone of Nicholas Flamel. So you would have to create an exact clone of yourself just to gain the chromosomes needed for such a thing. Since cloning is using an animal's DNA and mixing it with another creature it is impossible to form an exact replica of a person.

Another method of immortality proposed is to download a human consciousness onto a computer. That also won’t work because human data is not the same thing as computer data. Our consciousness and souls can not be separated from our bodies in the world of the living. The mind and body is not separable in that way. All of our experiences and memories are stored into a part of our brain as cells or tissue. They are not data like in a computer it doesn’t work that way.

One method of immortality is to simply accelerate cell regeneration to stop aging or slow aging with therapy. Well anyone who tries this will simply turn into a pile of flesh and nothing more then a beast like a monster from Resident Evil and the Mind Flayer from Season 3 of Stanger Things.

Resident Evil Monster Who I Imagine is What Ted Faro Looks Like in Forbidden West.

There is a questline from Horizon Forbidden West about exploring an ancient post-apocalyptic bunker of a trillionaire that created killer robots that destroyed the planet.

It is my favorite questline in all the Horizon franchises because it's a good story on how depraved billionaires can be in their quest for power. Ted Faro who tries to become immortal so he can become a god to the new human race after inadvertently destroying old ones just turns into a hideous monster. They leave it to our imaginations and it's a genius bit of writing there.

I think Ted Faro is a good representation of Jeff Bezos and the selfishness of the Billionaire class in particular. I think that will happen if Jeff Bezos tries immortality. He will simply turn to be just as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside and be nothing more than a monster. That will be such a poetic end to Jeff Bezos.

I don’t know why anyone will want to be immortal there will come a point when humans will evolve to other civilizations and eventually other species that are not recognizable to us or that humanity will destroy itself through nuclear war or climate change.

The sun will eventually fry up the oceans rendering all life on earth extinct. Life will be pretty boring if there is no civilization or nature to enjoy. Just being stuck in a bunker or in some machine is no way to live. It will also be bad for the environment if humans are immortal then the human population will grow so huge that the population size alone will actually destroy the environment and every other animals and plants that make up our ecosystem before destroying humanity.

This just shows immortality is a twisted fantasy of the Billionaire class who really just want to enjoy their money and rule of the USA forever without any regard for the consequences for humanity and themselves. In the end, will never get there without their bodies becoming as twisted as their fantasies of immortality.

So I think it is best we make do with the 60–100 years of our natural lifespans and when the time comes greet death like an old friend.

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